For Companies

Outsourcing is the long-term and effective solution!


There is an increasing demand from customers in the services market for certain simple, unskilled (pre-taught) tasks (inspection, packaging, assembly, testing, order picking, etc.) to be outsourced by the service provider. 


Meaning of outsourced activity: Outsourcing is a contractual agreement under which the main contractor entrusts the subcontractor with the performance of specific tasks, which may be part of a production process, or even the entire production process, labour market services or ancillary services.


Types of outsourcing:

Non-managed service
This includes all labour market services where only the labour is "sold" and there is a shared employer responsibility with the Partner. The Borrower is the person who directs the work of the employees and determines all or part of their wages (benefits). The service provider does not provide any guidance or expertise to carry out the work. Through its strategic partner, Human Labor Quality Ltd. is able to provide the required workforce anywhere in the country, including the performance of outsourced tasks.
  1. Outsourcing of labour market services (e.g.: labour hire, placement, employment of students or pensioners, quality engineer support, resident engineer service, quality manager outsourcing) Outsourcing of labour market services means the provision of labour without the provision of equipment, management and facilities. As experts, we will always make a proposal for the most ideal form of employment. We are able to provide workers for intellectual positions ranging from trainees to skilled engineers in typical and atypical forms of employment.  In the blue-collar field, we typically provide the required number of Hungarian workers through temporary agency work, including the involvement of foreign workers in case of shortages.
Managed services
When using a managed service, we operate on behalf of the Partner, taking full responsibility – independently managing/training/supervising the employees –, on the Partner's premises or on the service provider's own premises. Thus, employees carry out the activity under the direction of the Contractor, independently of the Partner's production management, and thus there is no shared employer responsibility. In addition to providing resources, the service uses professional knowledge for/adds professional knowledge to the activity.
  1. Outsourcing of ancillary activities (e.g. bookkeeping, payroll, warehousing, industrial/office cleaning, engineering support) Ancillary activities are not part of the production process, their basic function is to support the general operation of the production unit.
  2. Outsourcing of the production process (manufacturing) (e.g.: assembly, packaging, order picking, quality control, finishing) Outsourcing of part or all of the main contractor's/client's production process to another company (contractor) These outsourced activities may take place at the Client's own plant or at an external site operated by the contractor.
  3. Outsourcing of service activities (e.g.: call centre operation) Where the main contractor outsources all or part of its own service activities to a contractor.
  4. Outsourcing of the agricultural production process (e.g.: planting, pruning, harvesting, apple picking, maize detasseling) A part of the activities is outsourced on a seasonal basis, but the main contractor owns all the equipment, plants or crops needed to carry out the activity.

The outsourcing has two different modes.


"On-site" facilities involve primary or partial processes carried out at the client's premises or facility, in segregated areas. Examples include inspection, post-processing, repair activities, packaging, and commissioning.

"Off-site" facilities involve outsourcing of manufacturing and/or operational processes/sub-processes to a location operated by the service provider, outside the client's premises.